
Opryshky’s Trails Rakhiv August 24, 2014

18.08.2014 - Новини

By the Opryshky’s Trails

Rakhiv 2014
The cycling marathon will be held on August 24, 2014 in Rakhiv town, Rakhiv administrative district

The starting camp will be located at the Burkut mountain park, Rakhiv town

The cycling marathon “Be the Opryshky’s Trails” is an amateur competition aimed to promote the healthy lifestyle among the wide public, and also it will help to develop cycling tourism in Rakhiv and the area.

The organizers – cyclists of Rakhiv town under the leadership of Ihor Pokhvishchev

Financial support – my means of participation fee and sponsor contribution

Registration and rules

Photo from 2013

Opryshky's Trails Rakhiv

Opryshky's Trails Rakhiv

Opryshky's Trails Rakhiv